...perusing around the Internet to read other people's ideas, when you could be thinking your own...
yet here we are.
What is the purpose of a blog? More specifically, MY blog? How is it this trend became so cool, so quickly? A function of the Internet age no doubt; coupled with our innate need to be different and yet belong, and a longing to be understood.
The truth is, I like to write. Although I've been writing for nearly 10 years (no jokes from the 'diary' crowd, please), early on it could be boring at best, and chalked up to obligation at worst. College and all the experiences of the independent life birthed fresh enthusiasm in my journals; of late my incessant desire to learn from life and grow wiser - and not just older - has encouraged this liking all the more. Moleskine is the book of choice and I appreciate it for its simplicity, quality, heritage and design. Fond memories recorded, impressions, and most recently, lessons learned (and hopefully not forgotten).
I tried MySpace about 8 years ago, when it was still the hip thing to do - the closest thing to my recent and new experience with blogger - but I was left a little disillusioned with it all. Far as I can tell, blogging may be what I liked about the MySpace idea but missed in terms of cultural context and age at that time. At least that's my excuse! Facebook came at a time when MySpace had become overdone, and I appreciated it for the simplicity of the interface (don't muck that up Zuckerberg!). Twitter is ok. It's taught me a valuable lesson in brevity but only whetted my appetite for a more thorough expression.
Although I may do my best (and occasionally succeed) at being pithy and thoughtful, there may be times when I delve into the mundane, and I hope to be ok with that too. As a matter of introduction, this blog will be thoughts on life and love - the one I live with my wife Joanna, and that which God gives me new every morning.
I'm not here to make money, I lack the time and attention span to devote to AdSense and others; so I find myself back where I began, with a passion for words, learning, and a Savior who gave it all so I would know him.