There are marked, specific times in my life when I can tell that God was reaching into space and time and giving me a loving 'prod.' For me, this goes beyond an "I love you" (although those are my favorites). I talking about times when there has been a specific, undeniable, simple instruction to do something. "Pick up that old woman who is hitch-hiking in winter, you have an empty seat." or "Go talk to that man crying in the bookstore." Sometimes I agree and do - other times it's a struggle to overcome fear, and I shrink back.
I don't have many regrets in life, but those missed opportunities are on the list.
Driving home from Castle Rock - after yet another encouragement to get in touch with Aaron - was one of those times. I thought it was silly, "surely he already has someone - how do I just suggest myself to be his leader?!" and I fought it for another 10.65 miles. Then I called, trembling, if I'm being honest.
"Aaron, this is uhmm -Wes. Tongue. And we'll-uh, I'm calling to --- talk to you a little. --About your church and umm-well, what's happening in me recently... soo, ahh, give me a call sometime and we can chat about what's happening... recently-" and on I rambled - but I did it!
There's not space to detail what followed, and it didn't happen all at once. I continued on at New Life, and started a slow, methodical process of doubt and trepidation - all the while knowing now that I was on the right path. That unction carried us through it. And there continued to simple, loving confirmations along the way. It was our choice to jump, no doubt. But God continued to stand alongside, whispering to our hearts, "I'll catch you."
During the latter parts of December 2011, I had led several times at the Mill City Church LiFT meetings and was riding home with Aaron when I told him we had decided to 'jump.' He nearly drove us off the road. It was exciting! It was a season of celebration for what God was doing in each of us - and in Fort Collins. But then reality started to settle in too. We would be mobile - indefinitely. And of course there was no salary. Churches pay their pastors, but we didn't have a church yet!! New Life surrounded us with joy and appreciation, and supported Jo and I very generously in the transition but I began to discover something else...
The 'jump' was only the beginning.
One of the things that had prompted us in the beginning was volunteering for the uneasy discomfort, the seeming uncertainty of last minute provision, new friends and leaving the home we'd grown to love. We couldn't fathom what that would all mean - thank God! If we'd known the extent of future stretching at the start, who knows if we would have jumped at all.
God knew. He knew what we could bear, and what the bearing would grow in us. Dependency, grounded trust, and faith. It has been hard, but worth every nervous step, every leap into thin air because we're becoming who we wouldn't have been otherwise. That's God working in us - and in Fort Collins.
Mill City is the perfect, God-appointed place for our family. It is full of genuine, Jesus seeking people - somtimes more people than chairs it seems. We're 6 months old, 6 months younger than Everly. If anything, we've learned the best way to plant a church - the best way to live -
Keep on jumping.
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