April 07, 2011

It has come to this:

I have arrived.

That is, I've come to the place of being quite frustrated with my own attempts at being pithy, tart and smart.  Working towards an exposition of various ideas have recently left me in the lurch of of my own exceedingly high expectations!  Curses and thwartations!

Thwart-a-tions /thwahrt-A-shuhns/ - noun
1.  a terrific annoyance or disappointment
2.  an occurrence or situation bereft of success
    "Due to unending thwartations, his plans were utterly foiled."

Ever have that happen?  Word just cease to flow, and you end up babbling on about something or other - In conversation perhaps?  Someone you would have no doubt liked to impress with your whit and charm and instead you "open mouth, insert foot"?  No, I'm not really describing a recent or even real situation.  Though I've been there, no specific memory comes to mind worth the retelling here.

And at just a moment when I needed to be quite eloquent about something in particular (though I'm not sure what) in order to have the faintest impression that my own time was invested and not squandered as I work on this vague and tenuous practice of writing - nothing really comes to mind.  *sigh.

And yet somehow, the very completion of this brief and rather upsetting blog has left me with at least a small satisfaction at completing something!  Yet on the one hand, I can breathe deeply and know the seeming unending writers block has released me if only for an instant - long enough to compose something with perhaps an iota of potential at making someone somewhere pause with a wry smirk of delight.

Did it work?

1 comment:

  1. yes love, it did work! i paused with a wry smirk of delight. thanks for brightening my day.xoxo
